divination, life

The Libra New Moon (or, Man, That’s a Lot of Cups)

So, last week I drew the Ace of Wands. Aces represent beginnings and opportunities, and I definitely had my share: I started therapy, queued some posts on a new creative project that’s going live very soon, and went through my first (and hopefully only) carbon monoxide leak.

Yeah, I know. It can’t all be fried gold. At least I know I can kind of handle one if it happens again, and came to the realization that we really needed a different kind of CO detector. As it turns out, there is a lot of variability in what will make a CO alarm trigger. When you hear that beep, you can’t always be sure if it’s an “open the windows and turn everything off” 30 ppm that’s been going for the past seven hours or so, or an “evacuate immediately and call 911” 400 ppm that’s spiked in the past four minutes. This news was less than reassuring to me, so I picked out a new alarm with a display that reads in parts per million. Is it as accurate as the detectors the fire department uses? Probably not, but I still figure it can ballpark enough to help me save myself in an emergency.

You know that mental exercise where you’re supposed to reframe “have to”s into “got to”s? I’m trying to do that. It was terrible and terrifying, but everyone’s okay. I had to deal with a carbon monoxide leak, but I also got to see myself go through it and come out alright, and got the opportunity to learn more about how to better keep us all safe. It really could have been much, much worse.

Anyway, with this out of the way, let’s talk about the Libra new moon.

Like Aces, new moons are beginnings. A Libra new moon is a great time for balance, cooperation, and magic for anything related to the two — creative work, justice, partnerships, or balancing the emotions. Instead of doing my usual one card pull this week, I decided to find a new new moon spread to try out. I usually create my own on the fly, depending on the situation, but I do really enjoy seeing what others have come up with. (That’s why I keep a Pinterest board full of kickass spreads.) This time around, I chose this one from Emerald Lotus Divination.

So! Let’s see what we’ve got.

Position 1: What This New Moon Has in Store for Me

The Seven of Cups, from the Rider-Waite deck. Artwork by Pamela Coleman Smith. A silhouetted figure stands in front of seven cups. One holds a blue head, one has a glowing sheet ghost(???), one has a snake, one has a very tiny caste, one has either very excellent jewels or extremely terrible fruit, idk, one has a laurel wreath, and one has a very small blue dragon.
The Seven of Cups, from the Rider-Waite deck. Artwork by Pamela Coleman Smith.

The Seven of Cups. A figure (in my deck, a crow. In the Rider-Waite-Smith tarot, a dude) stands in front of seven cups, each filled with different things. It is up to the subject to choose the cups that hold good things, and not, like, snakes and creepy heads and bitey-looking blue lizards.

Many possibilities are open to me, and I have a lot of choices to make. This definitely tracks — October is going to be a month of big decisions and major upheaval. To make the best of these situations, I have to be proactive and make a choice. Fantasizing about some idealized situation is not going to put that cup full of jewels in my hand.

Position 2: My Energy During This New Moon

The Queen of Cups. Alright! As the suit of emotions, the Queen represents a figure that offers care and support. She can be the aspect of yourself that nurtures and provides you with self-care, or someone else entirely.

This card could represent my desire to take care of myself, or one of the people I’ve reached out to for help. It’s worth noting that both of my mental health professionals are female, so, while this position specifically asks about my energy during this new moon, my energy is also reaching out in search of a caring figure to help fix my brain. In either case, I’m reassured by the queen’s presence here — either I am making the nurturing, self-caring choice, or I am reaching out to someone who exhibits those traits. I need either (or both!) of those things right now.

Position 3: What I Need to Be Open To

The Page of Wands. He’s so happy with his giant walking stick. The Page of Wands is a playful figure, and may represent a charming, roguish person, or even just the arrival of good news. He is a bright, lovable, puckish, impetuous character.

I swear, I shuffled this deck well. Still, somehow, he is the only non-cups card I drew. To be honest, whether he represents a fun person or a piece of good news, I’ll take it. It’s hard to find a negative aspect of the Page of Wands (outside of his tendency to rush into things, but I think the Knight definitely has it worse). If this is what I need to be open to, I can handle that.

Position 4: Something That Wants to Manifest

The King of Cups. A kind, compassionate figure, he tempers his authority with understanding. He is calm, sympathetic, and good at listening.

At this point, I am actively trying to manifest emotional balance and creativity. The suit of cups stands for both, so I will take the King’s appearance as a sign that I’m on the right track. Coupled with the Queen of Cups and the Page of Wands, things are looking pretty good.

Position 5: How to Focus My Attention to Bring My Desires into Reality

The Three of Cups. Party on, my dudes (or dudettes, or dudes-as-in-men-and-not-as-a-gender-nonspecfic-term, or dudes-meaning-literal-city-dwellers-vacationing-on-a-ranch-and-pretending-to-be-cowhands). This card stands for reuniting with people from the past, or just straight up celebrating.

While this card can mean that I should party down and enjoy myself, it can also indicate that there’s a happy event to look forward to. In this case, it makes sense that I should both express gratitude and celebrate where I am and what I’ve achieved in life, and maintain an optimistic outlook and keep looking forward to the future. I think I can manage that.

All told, this reading feels great. I have choices to make, my energy is compassionate and nurturing (or attracting compassion and nurturing), I need to be open to fun people and good news, emotional balance is just waiting for the opportunity to manifest, and I should focus on celebrating the good times to achieve my desires. Sweet.


divination, life

The Ace of Wands Comes Back.

I like Aces. They stand for a new beginning, and there’s nothing quite like that feeling of untapped potential — where everything is still possible, and nothing’s happened to screw it all up (yet). Getting an Ace in a reading feels pretty awesome.

If you’ve been reading my navel-gazey ruminations for awhile, you’ve probably seen that I draw Aces and Wands pretty frequently. It makes sense, in its own strange way: I’m at a point in my life where I have a lot of opportunities open to me, but not a lot of resources that allow me to take advantage of them. I feel like this is a bit different, though. Though Wands generally represent creativity, I feel like I’ve got a pretty good handle on the direction my creative endeavors are going in at this point.

On the other hand, this week I’ve got a new lease to sign, my S.O. doing new job things, and my first appointment with a psychologist.
My dance card’s pretty packed, and it’s all brand new.

So, knowing I had a ton of utter upheaval (good upheaval!) and turmoil (beneficial turmoil!) coming up, I drew this week’s card with that in mind. I’m already more anxious than I’m comfortable handling with the tools currently at my disposal, so a little reassurance than I’m not putting myself in a worse position by making these changes could go a long way.

The Ace of Wands card from the Rider-Waite deck.
From the Rider-Waite deck, illustrated by Pamela Coleman Smith.

I drew the Ace of Wands again. Before, it came at a time when I was seeking out help from another new doctor, and practically bursting with ideas. This time around, I’m seeking help from another new doctor (albeit of a very different kind), and making some significant changes to other areas of my life. This card is good news and a new beginning, and I could certainly use both!

So much of what’s happening with, to, and around me right now has a lot to do with my partner. In the context of love, the Ace of Wands represents a “next move” in a relationship — often one that breathes new life into it. It can be something like an engagement, marriage, pregnancy, or other move that feels like a step “forward.” I like to think my S.O. and I aren’t tired of each other yet, but I definitely agree that having more space and a change of scenery will make things more pleasant for the both of us.

Tomorrow’s a pretty big day. What do I do if I have anxiety about talking to a new doctor about my anxiety? It’s basically the worst kind of brainception.



Three-card Tarot Tuesday — 9.16.19

On the heels of yesterday’s one-card reading for myself, I wanted to do another one of these! Just like before, clear your mind, choose the row of cards that speaks to you, and scroll down to see what they have to say.

Unlike last week’s reading using the Deviant Moon deck, The Wild Unknown Animal spirit deck, and The Illustrated Herbiary deck, this week we’re going to use the Klimt Tarot. (The cards are gorgeous and very fancy looking.)

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Ready? Here we go.

The Top Left

The Three of Swords. Oof. You can tell by that lady’s face that she’s not too excited about anything going on right now — she’s naked and vulnerable, hemmed in with drawn swords at every side. The Three of Swords speaks of betrayal and heartbreak, of grief and loss. It indicates that this isn’t a very great time for you, either right now or in the recent past.

The Emperor can indicate an older man full of wise council; he’s someone you probably want to listen to right now. If he doesn’t point to a specific figure for you, he can signify your intellect and sense of logic overcoming your emotions. If you are still suffering through the grief and heartache indicated by the Three of Swords, he can help you through it with focus, stability, and the ability to keep your heart from getting away from you.

The Nine of Pentacles is one of the most positive cards in the deck. It points to financial independence. It is the finer things in life, and the hard work you’ve put in to achieve them. It is wisdom gained through experience, and the maturity that comes with time.

Overall, these cards point to a very emotionally difficult time. It’s going to take some doing, but, if you are open to listening to advice from those who’ve gone through it before and able to keep your heart from leading you into more trouble, you will reap plenty of rewards. Working to obtain stability for yourself now will yield tremendous dividends in the future. Keep yourself grounded, and things’ll be looking up soon!

The Center

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The Chariot is determination. It is overcoming obstacles through a sheer force of will. The Chariot, to put it bluntly, is not here to fuck spiders. Either now or recently, you have/had a real Situation to go through. Fortunately, The Chariot is a card of success — with enough focus, you’ll win. However, that success comes with a cautionary note: don’t allow yourself to develop too thick of a shell in the face of what you’ve gone through. Keep your vulnerability.

The Knave of Pentacles is a very positive card. Unlike the Knights, who signify movement and progress, the Knave is the preliminary step. It is figuring out what you want out of life, and what you need to do to get it.

The Magician indicates that whatever endeavor the Knave of Pentacles signifies will go well, but it’ll take a lot of intelligence, craftiness, and willpower on your part. Don’t worry, though — you have the skills you need. The woman here has a snake twined around her arm, but her expression is completely placid and unruffled. She knows she’s got this. So do you.

Altogether, these cards indicate that you’ve been in (or are in) a tough spot, but you’re pulling through. You’re tough enough to make it and, once you do, you’ll be in a place where you can lay the foundations for your future success. While The Magician says that you have all of the right stuff to pull off whatever you put your mind to, don’t forget — success is never guaranteed. You need to apply your cunning, ingenuity, and willpower in order to do it.

The Bottom Right

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The Three of Pentacles (isn’t this card pretty? I love this one) indicates a learning experience or opportunity. It could be a class, an apprenticeship, or a skill you’re honing. The young woman bends her head as she plays, focusing intently on the music. Still, even though her fingers pluck the strings, she wouldn’t be able to play without the efforts of the woodcutter, the harp-maker, or her music teacher. You’re working with others, setting the foundation for your future. Following Aces and Twos, Threes are the stage where you really start cooking with gas. It looks like you’re devoting a lot of your energy to this right now. Good! You’ll need to keep it up if you want to really grow and succeed.

The Ten of Pentacles is usually tied to very good things, financially speaking. It can point to a sudden influx of cash, or a general sense of a happy, stable family life. Whether you’re looking forward to a much-anticipated family reunion, about to have an inheritance drop in your lap, or otherwise, it paints a picture of financial and domestic harmony. Gold hangs from the boughs of a tree, heavy and abundant. Behind them, you can see the architecture of a grand, solid-looking building peeking through.

The Nine of Wands reversed points to a fear that others are out to get you, or a serious butting of heads that leads to a stalemate. It can also be a crumbling of your will — you might feel like you don’t have it in you to keep going, resulting in delays and setbacks on your path to reach your goals.

Taken together, these cards paint a picture of growth, learning, and a stable financial and familial situation. Unfortunately, it looks like you may run into obstacles that will make these things difficult to really experience. The Three of Pentacles points to opportunities for growth and learning, ones you may be taking full advantage of right now — don’t let your resolve wane, or you’ll begin slipping up. Similarly, having a stable and abundant life might make you want to rest on your laurels. Don’t let your drive to succeed weaken.

If you’ve had to hear some rough news, take heart. No tarot reading shows you an immutable future. Things can, and very likely will, change. These cards give you a snapshot of situations as they stand now, and a future that is likely if you remain on the same path. Good luck!


divination, life

The Knight of Wands Returns

The Crow Tarot might give me a lot of Wands, Knights, and Aces, but now’s certainly a good time for ’em. (It also definitely means business when it comes to negative cards, so, to be perfectly honest, I was just happy not to have pulled the Ten of Swords again. Yikes.)

Anyhow, this week’s card is the Knight of Wands again, and man oh man am I glad to see him!

Last time, I mentioned that my S.O. and I had just finished a book, and were working on ways to turn it into something more than just a .doc file. Good news is, we’re making plenty of progress on that front! Not only are we fixing what needs to be fixed and polishing up what needs to be polished, we’re actually working on turning another manuscript we finished some time ago into a serial of some form. Though we’ve put a lot of thought into this process, neither of us have experience in publishing and none of my market research has been oriented in that direction. It’s definitely a fun learning experience, though! Besides, even if nothing comes of either of these things, I’m still happy just to have made them.

Speaking of which, I finished another painting this past weekend. Photographing them has been difficult because our overcast days have all been rainy — so, while the clouds do a great job at scattering the light and producing true-to-life color while keeping the glare down, the rain isn’t exactly easy to work around. Ah well. As the weather cools, hopefully we’ll have more cloudy days that aren’t accompanied by summer storms. I love collecting summer thunder water and the way the rain washes the pollen from the air, but I miss having dry surfaces!

The Knight of Wands stands as a reminder that enthusiasm and excitement are justified, but it’s a bad idea to get carried away with ourselves and jump headfirst into things we aren’t prepared for. Overall, it’s a very good omen. I’m going to be mindful to do my homework while my S.O. and I work toward creating the life we want to have. 💜


Three-card Tarot Tuesday — 9.10.19

Hello! Following last week’s reading, I wanted to do another one of these with the Deviant Moon tarot deck, The Wild Unknown Animal Spirit deck, and The Illustrated Herbiary deck. So, just like last time, choose the stack of cards that you feel the most drawn to:

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Take your time choosing. Ready?


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First, we have Judgment. Judgment is the end that marks a new beginning — unlike The Tower, it is not necessarily an end marked by destructive upheaval. This is a very significant stage in your life! Judgment urges you to make a choice and step into the spiritual awakening that’s waiting for you. Trust your gut feelings, but use a healthy dose of logic to temper your emotions and make the decision that is most in line with the highest good. This is a time of awakening for you.

Butterfly energy comes during times of transition. Like the caterpillar to the butterfly, it marks some serious changes. (This is probably unsurprising, considering the appearance of the Judgment card!) Let your friends, family, and comforting routines be your support through this time. If you feel yourself becoming anxious or frustrated with what’s going on around you, now is the time to develop comforting new rituals to help see you through. Start a gratitude journal, take up a gentle form of exercise, meditate, or just set aside a few minutes every day to have a cup of tea and just get your head out of a place for a bit. Give yourself something stable to look forward to every day.

Mugwort calls us to travel in our dreams. Do you ever have lucid dreams? Prophetic ones? Ones you can remember vividly? Your dreams can hold messages for you that you might miss in the waking world. Start a dream journal and practice dreaming lucidly, so you can unlock the mysteries of the realm of dreams.

This is a time of big changes for you, and you might feel that you’re on uncertain footing. That’s perfectly understandable! Don’t overthink things — your intuition knows more than you might be giving it credit for. Follow your heart (but don’t give up your sense!), create comforting daily rituals for yourself, and listen to the messages of your dreams. You’ll get through this okay.



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Next, we have Justice. It is the card of fairness, truth, cause and effect, and… well, justice. You are at a point where your actions — good and bad — are coming back on you. As long as you have acted ethically and honestly, you have nothing to worry about. You may be at a point in your life where you seek justice; this tells you that it will be served. You may also be at a point where you’re faced with a difficult decision. Rely on your conscience to guide you, and be ready to accept the fallout for your choice.

Gazelle energy is vigilant — perhaps too vigilant. It can be easy to miss the forest for the trees, and miss out on the life you’ve made for yourself because you’re too focused on what can go wrong. Take a breath. Give yourself the chance to enjoy the present. Learn some grounding exercises to keep you in reality, realign your nervous energy, and keep yourself focused on the Now.

Mullein is the hag’s taper, and one of the plants that grows in between-spaces. It appears when it’s time to take a step back and look at the patterns we miss when we focus on details. Everything is linked by some thread of commonality — you are being called to find those threads and see the bigger picture evolve.

Are your actions haunting you, or are you waiting for justice to be served? Whatever the case, you might be feeling a little too antsy and hypervigilant right now, and it’s causing you to zero in on minutia in a way that isn’t helpful for you right now. Learn to ground yourself in the present moment, and avoid jumping to conclusions until you can get a bird’s eye view of your situation. You’ll have an easier time making the right decision if you do.


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Lastly, we have the Nine of Pentacles. Sweet! This is a card of material wealth, luxury, and abundance. You’ve busted your ass to get here, and now you get to enjoy the fruits of your labors (even if they’re a stack of paid bills and not, say, a new Maserati). If you’ve been supported by and relying on others for awhile, relax and enjoy your newfound independence. Treat yourself as a reward for your hard work!

Sometimes, the Nine of Pentacles shows up when we’re not necessarily rolling in dough. It’s important to remember that the concept of money is a relatively new one, but abundance isn’t. It can also refer to being surrounded by the bounty of nature, or other areas of life that are producing an abundant harvest after hard work. No matter what this card means for you, it’s a signal that it’s time to enjoy yourself.

Tarantula comes when you have a decision to make. You might even find yourself paralyzed or succumbing to choice fatigue. You might be tempted to make the choice that’s easy right now, instead of the one that you know will put you more closely in line with your higher purpose and long-term goals — don’t. Now is the time to prioritize your future growth.

White Sage clears the way. All members of the sage family are used for clearing something — from the fiber in chia seeds, to the mucilage of eye-clearing clary sage, to the smoke of garden or white sage. What do you have that needs letting go? Are you willing to follow your emotions here, and release things without analyzing why?

You’re entering a time of monetary abundance, and it can be a little intimidating. With this newfound freedom comes a lot of new choices to make. Unfortunately, it seems like you’re holding on to ideas that — while they may have helped get you where you are today — are no longer serving you. Trust that you’re going to be okay. Don’t be afraid to indulge a little, don’t hold on to the past, and choose the path that will allow you to grow.

I hope this was helpful. Stay tuned for next week’s reading! 💜


Three of Cups

Man, who couldn’t do with some good news right about now?

This week marks all kinds of awesome things — I’m nearly finished with another painting, my partner is starting a new job, he and I are starting a(n honestly pretty ambitious) new creative project, I’ve got my own projects, I have some new ideas to blog, and we’re scoping out some new digs soon. It’s good stuff. I still wish my health didn’t impact things quite so much, but you know what? I’ll take it. If “if” were a fifth, I’d be drunk, and eating a lot of lentils and using a desk pedaler ain’t that bad.

I didn’t draw a card for myself last week. To be honest, I didn’t really feel like I needed to. Things have been okay. I have a lot going on, but nothing that I’m particularly worried about or feel I need more insight into. With his new job coming up, though, I wanted to see what’s around me. The situation is, of course, far more stressful for him than it is for me… but I still want to know what kind of energy he’s going to be bringing home!

I drew the Three of Cups. Yay!

It’s a card of celebration, fellowship, and coming together. Traditionally, it depicts three women dancing together, cups held aloft. In The Crow Tarot, it’s a really beautiful, colorful image of three crows drinking from fallen golden goblets. (Which I am honestly kind of kicking myself for not having photographed when I had better lighting to do it in!) There’s fruit. Everything’s verdant and flowering. Basically it is party time, regardless of species.

The Three of Cups is a card of recognition and celebration for your achievements. The soil is the power of creativity, the fruit is its culmination. Cups is the suit of emotion, and most decks feature figures either happily drinking it in, or about to. It points to fulfillment, happiness, and a time to enjoy your success.

I’m excited to see what it’s pointing to!


divination, life

A Free, Simple Card Reading for You

This week, I wanted to start trying something different. I picked up three of my divination decks, and decided to put together a small reading for anyone reading this post right now. It’s simple: just pick a stack of cards, scroll to the one you chose, and see what they have in store!

Not everyone agrees with doing “general” tarot readings, but I find that they can be very helpful — synchronicity is a thing. If you’re drawn to pick a card today, tomorrow, or any time in the future, there’s likely a reason why. So, even if a free tarot reading is a general one sent to nobody in particular, it can still hold a lot of insight.

So, shall we? Pick a stack of cards. From left to right, they are marked by a moonstone, an amethyst, and a rose quartz.

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Now, when you’re ready, scroll down to the cards you chose. Each stack comprises a tarot card from the Deviant Moon tarot deck, an animal spirit card from The Wild Unknown deck, and a plant card from The Illustrated Herbiary deck.


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Here, we have The Empress, Hummingbird, and Plantain.

The Empress is the embodiment of a loving, nurturing spirit, surrounded by abundance. She is regarded as a very feminine figure and, in some contexts, can even signify marriage or childbirth. You are in a period of growth right now, and are surrounded by the energy of abundance. If that is difficult to recognize against the background noise of your life, take some time to connect to the world with your senses — go into nature, bring a picnic of your favorite foods, and give yourself the gift of time to experience the earth beneath you, the fragrance on the breeze, and the taste of good food. Remind yourself of all that you have to be grateful for, and help cultivate the feelings of contentment and prosperity in your life.

Hummingbirds have really fun energy, I love them. With Hummingbird, there is a feeling of enthusiasm, creativity, and positivity — though this can turn into overbearing pushiness if this energy is out of balance. Since Hummingbird represents an open, curious, and creative mind, one way to bring this energy into balance is to learn something new.

Plantain’s advice is to rewild. This simple herb, often treated as a weed when it pops up in lawns, is a versatile and abundant source of medicine. Mash the leaves and place them on a bruise or bee sting. This is what Plantain asks you to do: connect with simplicity and the open-hearted, childlike side of your authentic self.

Overall, the advice here is to connect with nature and feelings of gratitude, simplicity, and the fresh curiosity you had as a child. Take time to enjoy the simple pleasures in your life, you are surrounded by them and much more prosperous than you might feel right now.


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Here is The Star, Firefly, and Vervain.

The Star is a very hopeful card. It is the promise of a new day that comes after a period of strife. It’s the feeling of new possibilities after experiencing untold hardships. It is hope, wishes, dreams, and a desire to connect with the energy of spirituality and inspiration. Be assured that you’re moving into a fresh period of your life, full of possibilities for growth and happiness.

Oh man, Firefly! Firefly is a burst of inspiration — bright and radiant, but brief. It is the energy of the creative breakthrough, but, when out of balance, it can feel like the creative burnout that turns into a block. Firefly’s advice is, “Creator, create!” Bring its energy into balance by stretching your creative muscles and making something.

Vervain is one of the most sacred herbs of many European magical traditions. It is the herb of between-places, harvested at dawn and dusk, and it encourages you to explore the liminal. Let magic into your life by opening yourself to the possibilities around you. After all, it is in the in-between places where possibilities overlap and we are presented with nearly infinite outcomes. If you had every door open to you, what weight would you be willing to drop in order to pass through?

Overall, the advice here is to embrace the new possibilities open to you. You seem to have come out of a difficult period, and you’re entering a new one that is giving you the chance to experience an incredible burst of inspiration, creativity, and growth. Are you willing to take it, or is the fear of what you have gone through going to hold you back?

Rose Quartz

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Here is The Chariot, Cobra, and Rose.

The Chariot is strength. It is girding your loins for battle. It is determination, action, and decisiveness in the face of a challenge. It tells you that now is the time to make a choice and take a stand. If you’re afraid that you lack the strength to do so, don’t worry — with focus and determination, you have what you need to be successful. Assert yourself, and don’t back down on matters that are important to you.

Cobra is a spiritual guardian. They are not ostentatious, they do not command the attention of a room, but they are patient, watchful, wise, and strong. When out of balance, this strength can turn into egotism. Balance cobra energy by remaining humble — give yourself the opportunity to learn something new from someone else, and recognize that there is still much that life has to teach you.

Rose is an herb of duality. It is the soft, silken petals and the blood-drawing thorns, the nourishing rose hips and the choking seeds. As such, it reminds you to embrace duality within yourself. You can be beautiful and fierce, soft and strong. Look at the things within yourself that you perceive as flaws, and recognize that they do not define you — you can still have a whole, open heart that is worthy of love.

Overall, it looks like you are in a period that demands a lot of strength from you. The Chariot assures you that you can succeed, if you are willing to stand up and assert yourself. Cobra tells you to remain humble — you have strength, but should not let your assertiveness turn into an ego-shield of narcissism. Rose says to embrace the contradictions within you. You can be assertive and soft. You can be successful and humble. You can push yourself to succeed without losing the tender, gentle aspects of you.


I had a lot of fun putting this together. To be honest, I was very surprised at how well the cards interrelated with each other. I’d like to do this again (maybe next week?) and I hope you’ll join me.